Second bikie case postponed in Qld

A SECOND bikie court case has been postponed in Queensland because of comments made by Premier Campbell Newman.

A case in the Cairns Magistrates Court was adjourned on Friday, a day after a Supreme Court judge put a Brisbane bikie bail case on indefinite hold.

The defence lawyer in the Cairns matter asked for the case to be postponed pending the outcome of an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions against Justice George Fryberg's decision in the Supreme Court.

Justice Fryberg ruled on Thursday there was a risk comments by Mr Newman would be seen to have influenced the outcome and the court's integrity would have been affected.

The premier was quoted in media urging judges to act according to community expectations.

In Cairns, Odin's Warriors bikies Peter Johnson and Mark Filtness, both 47, were the first gang members arrested and charged with offences under the state's new anti-bikie gang laws.

Both were released on bail, but they returned to court on Friday afternoon, where Defence Lawyer Philip Bovey asked for the case be postponed.

"I have asked the magistrate to adjourn pending a consideration of the issue raised by Justice (George) Fryberg in the bail review matter of Brown," Mr Bovey told reporters outside court.

The Cairns case was adjourned until November 15.

In the appeal documents, the DPP argued Justice Fryberg shouldn't have taken into account a media report of the premier's comments as it was irrelevant.

The documents also reject the judge's finding that a reasonable member of the public would perceive the comments would influence the court, and that an appropriate response was to stay the proceedings.

Alleged Bandido Jarrod Brown was granted bail in the Holland Park Magistrates Court on October 18.

He's charged with drugs and ammunition possession, possessing drug paraphernalia and obstructing police.

He faced court a day after strict new laws designed to stop bikies walking free on bail were passed.

The DPP applied for a Supreme Court review of the magistrate's decision last week, but Justice Fryberg put the application on hold until further order because of Mr Newman's comments.

01 Nov, 2013

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