Make deeper cuts to CO2, govt told

A loader shifts coal

An independent climate advisory body has recommended tougher 2020 emissions reduction targets. Source: AAP

PRESSURE is mounting on the coalition government to commit to more ambitious carbon emissions cuts after its own climate advisory body called the current target inadequate.

The Climate Change Authority (CCA) warns Australia won't be doing its fair share unless it promises to make deeper cuts to greenhouse gases by 2020.

Both major parties have agreed to cut CO2 emissions by five per cent of 2000 levels by 2020, and up to 25 per cent depending on global action.

But in the first draft review of Australia's emissions goals, released on Wednesday, the CCA said the five per cent target was out of step with global efforts already underway.

"The Authority is firmly of the view that minus five per cent is not a credible option, and that we need to do better," said CCA chair Bernie Fraser.

It canvassed two alternatives: a minimum 15 per cent target or going further to a 25 per cent cut.

Without one of these, the CCA says Australia will struggle to match efforts being made by countries including the US and China.

This puts the heat on the federal government, which is standing by its position not to review Australia's emissions targets and the action of other nations until 2015.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt said the government would reassess its position in the buildup to the UN climate summit in Paris, where it's hoped a new binding pact on global warming will be ratified.

"This is one input; it's a draft report," he told reporters in Gladstone.

"The world will make a decision at the end of 2015 and we will do our analysis based on how the world is tracking at that point."

Climate Institute head John Connor says the government has several key summits between now and 2015 where it would be expected to justify its level of action.

"They just can't wag it for two years," he told AAP.

Most nations, including Australia, have agreed the risks of allowing global average temperatures to rise by more than 2C are too great for the environment and the world economy.

CCA head Anthea Harris says Australia's share of avoiding this scenario was less than one per cent of the global carbon budget until 2050, but it wasn't going well so far.

"If we kept emitting at our current rate, that (Australia's share) would last us another 17 years," CCA head Anthea Harris said.

But it's not all bad news.

The CCA found hiking the target from five to 15 per cent would not result in the economy shrinking, but would have a "relatively modest" impact that would rebound within three months.

Greens leader Christine Milne said Prime Minister Tony Abbott now has no reason to stick with the five per cent target, but the Australian Industry Group said times were tough enough.

It repeated its calls for Direct Action to have an international link, something the CCA and environment groups claim would make bigger cuts cheaper.

But the government has expressed a desire to achieve all its emission abatement at home.

The CCA is due to release its final report in February, but the coalition government has vowed to abolish the body by the end of this year.

"I'd like to see the independent voices maintained in that debate, rather than shut down," Opposition climate spokesman Mark Butler said.

30 Oct, 2013

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