PNG wants to be part of northern Aust boom

Papua New Guinea prime minister Peter O'Neill

The PNG prime minister is proposing a bilateral special economic zone with northern Australia. Source: AAP

PAPUA New Guinea's prime minister is proposing a bilateral special economic zone with northern Australia.

Peter O'Neill has been trying hard to attract more foreign investors in recent months and says, if the federal government decides to develop Australia's north, he wants PNG to be part of it.

"It's important that we should consider possibly establishing a Northern Australia-Papua New Guinea economic zone," he told a business luncheon in Brisbane on Thursday.

"An economic zone should not be treated as a threat to either country, in fact (it) should be treated as an opportunity and a logical approach to strengthening our relationship."

The prime minister said the economic development of Northern Australia would require a lot of resources such as electricity and water, and that PNG could provide them.

Mr O'Neill says he's already flagged his idea with Queensland's government and planned to hold talks about it with both the federal and Northern Territory governments.

31 Oct, 2013

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