Mongols 'ready to kill police': warning

MONGOL bikie gang members are arming themselves with automatic weapons and are willing to kill police to avoid arrest under tough new Queensland laws.

Police have been warned of the threat in a confidential email that's been published in the media.

The police media unit told AAP the memo was legitimate.

It says information dated Monday, October 28 "indicates the Mongols criminal motorcycle gang have discussed the possibility of killing any police officer who attempt (sic) to arrest them for a serious offence".

"Information suggests the Mongols are currently seeking multiple automatic firearms whilst a member of the Black Uhlans CMG was previously confirmed to have sought to obtain automatic firearms (M16 and AK47) on behalf of the Mongols and Finks CMG.

"This anticipation of escalating violence is said to be a result of legislation mandating automatic custodial sentences of up to 15 years imprisonment.

"The Mongols are said to believe killing a police officer to evade arrest is worth the risk to escape the lengthy custodial sentence."

The memo adds that so far the threats are non-specific in nature, and are not targeted at specific members of the police service.

Police issued a formal statement repeating the threats were not specific, and saying police had been warned about personal security issues.

"For operational reasons it would be inappropriate to comment further."

AAP has sought comment from the premier and the police minister, who have said the new anti-bikie laws are necessary to rid Queensland of its gang scourge.

Under the laws, bikies convicted of serious crimes face hefty additional jail terms simply for being members of declared criminal gangs.

The government has also announced plans for a bikies only jail, and says jailed members will be forced to wear pink prison garb as they spend up to 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.

01 Nov, 2013

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