SA police want Mongols club changes

SOUTH Australia police are going to court in a bid to remove structures protecting the Adelaide clubrooms of the Mongols motorcycle gang.

They want a reinforced steel gate, railway sleeper fences, a steel cage structure and other items to be removed from the Thebarton clubrooms.

Police on Thursday confirmed they have lodged an order under anti-fortification legislation in Adelaide's magistrates court.

"The application was made in a move to seek the removal of what police consider heavy fortification at the Mongols Outlaw Motorcycle Clubrooms at Thebarton," they said.

The application is due to be heard next month.

SA attorney-general John Rau says the government will look at strengthening the laws if the application failed.

"I'm very pleased to see the police are using the legislation that we've given them to deal with these criminal groups," he told ABC Radio.

He was very confident that the community would see that "all of the effort that's been put in by the Parliament and then police is starting to bear fruit".

31 Oct, 2013

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