Palmer defends private jet commute

Clive Palmer

Clive Palmer has defended his choice to commute to parliament in his private jet. Source: AAP

MINING magnate-turned federal MP Clive Palmer has defended his luxurious commute to the nation's capital, saying it creates jobs.

Mr Palmer intends to travel from his Queensland home to federal parliament in his private jet, now that he's finally been declared the winner of the Sunshine Coast seat of Fairfax.

He told the Seven Network on Friday it was a responsible choice.

"There's no point having a private jet unless you use it, you've got to create jobs," he said.

"The pilots, they've got to be employed, they've got families too.

"The difference is, I'll be paying for my jet and you're paying for Tony Abbott's jet.

"You're paying for Joe Hockey's jet, you're not paying for mine."

Mr Palmer said he wouldn't be claiming the taxpayer-funded travel allowance, either.

The Palmer United Party founder said his agenda for his first term is to consider the redistribution of GST to stimulate growth.

He was declared the winner of Fairfax on Thursday with a final margin of 53 votes.

01 Nov, 2013

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