Royal Mail hotel OK after fire at complex

FIRE has destroyed Dunkeld's Royal Mail Hotel's conference centre in western Victoria, but the historic hotel has been undamaged.

CFA spokeswoman Andrea Mason says the fire, which broke out at 2.20am on Wednesday night (AEDT), was contained within an hour and is not being treated as suspicious.

Premier Denis Napthine says he's pleased the award-winning restaurant was not damaged in the fire, giving a "bright light to a terrible event".

"This is in my heartland, back in Dunkeld in western Victoria, I know it well and we're all devastated by this news," he told reporters in Melbourne.

"The Royal Mail Hotel is an icon across Victoria and with its history in recent times of being one of the great food hotels in Australia, if not the world."

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

The hotel tweeted that the fire has had "No impact to accommodation or dining, only the conference centre."

31 Oct, 2013

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